


Quality is always in style.


As a full-service agent, we stand by your side to plan your wedding with utmost heart and professionalism.

Driven by outstanding quality and a high degree of creativity, we develop a personalized, coherent concept, refer to our exclusive partners, organise the best team of service providers for you and ensure a smooth execution on your big day. All our services are individually tailored to your needs.

In order to make your day authentic, carefree and unforgettable for you, we will go through the stages of the planning process step by step and we will accompany you along the entire journey.

In light of our Philosophy we take pride in a bespoke, client focused service and only work on a limited number of weddings and events each year. In this way we ensure that you have our full commitment and experience an event that exceeds your expectations and that you will never forget.

For us there are no limits to the realization of your event. Our foundation is built on a strong commitment to realizing our clients' dreams. We strive not only to meet, but to surpass expectations in all aspects. By paying close attention to every detail of the wedding journey, we are fully immersed in bringing your wedding and event visions to life.

overview of our services

Beratungs­gespräch & Kennenlernen

After our first free-of.charge consultation we will really get to know each other. By exploring your visions, dreams and requirements, we will develop an in-depth and individual design and budget concept.

Location Scouting

Wir machen uns auf die Suche nach der perfekten Location für Euch, oder übernehmen das Management für Eure Wunsch-Location inklusive Terminoptionen. Nach Besichtigung der favorisierten Locations und der finalen Auswahl kümmern wir uns um den Vertrag und die erste Konzeptualisierung. 

Design Concept

Every couple and client has their own individual style , their personal story, as well as wishes and definite ideas, by the means of which we create their personalized design concept as a digital map. In particular, we will touch upon your style, desired colors and moods, which will be implemented on the day itself.

Budgetplan & Überwachung

Together, we will create your personal budget plan. All expenses will constantly be monitored by us and communicated to you at all times. 

Dienstleister-akquise & Management

Nach der detaillierten Design-Konzeptualisierung, wählen wir nur die professionellsten und geeignetsten Dienstleister zusammen mit Euch aus. Wir kümmern uns um Vertragsabschlüsse und Koordination. Agentur-Rabatte geben wir zu 100% an Euch weiter. 

Ablaufplan & Begleitung am Tag

Wir erstellen zusammen mit Euch und allen Dienstleistern einen für Euch passenden Ablaufplan, um einen reibungslosen Ablauf am Tag zu garantieren. Am Tag zuvor werden alle letzten to do’s und Details vor Ort geprüft und nochmals Rücksprache mit allen Dienstleistern gehalten. Selbstverständlich sind wir am Tag selbst anwesend und koordinieren alle Dienstleister inklusive der Umsetzung des Dekorationkonzeptes vor Ort.

Guest management

Not only on your wedding day we will be available for you and your guests. Already prior to the event your guests can contact us at any time, to clarify logistical matters of the arrival and overnight-stay, and to optimally adjust the plan regarding contributions and surprises. If you like, we will also take care of sending out your invitation letters and follow-ups oft he guest list for you. 

Follow-up support

Naturally, we will be there for you after your event and support you with further requests or questions.  

Beratungs­gespräch & Kennenlernen

After our first free-of.charge consultation we will really get to know each other. By exploring your visions, dreams and requirements, we will develop an in-depth and individual design and budget concept.

Location Scouting

Whether you are looking for a location in Hamburg or somewhere else in the world, or you already have a location in mind, we will provide the management, expertise and peace-of-mind necessary to ensure that the planning and organization of your event is seamless and enjoyable. After having visited your favourite locations and making the final selection, we will manage all administrative details and enhance your individual conceptualisation. 

Design Concept

Every couple and client has their own individual style , their personal story, as well as wishes and definite ideas, by the means of which we create their personalized design concept as a digital map. In particular, we will touch upon your style, desired colors and moods, which will be implemented on the day itself.

Budgetplan & Überwachung

Together, we will create your personal budget plan. All expenses will constantly be monitored by us and communicated to you at all times. 

Dienstleister-akquise & Management

After the detailed development of your own design and budget concept, we will help you in finding the most professional and suitable suppliers. We will take care of all coordination and contracts. Our agency discounts will be passed on to you to 100%.

Ablaufplan & Begleitung am Tag

Together with yourself and all suppliers, we will bring together a scheduled plan, guaranteeing a flawless process on your day. On the day prior to the event, the final to do's and details will be checked on-site and a last consultation with all suppliers will be held. Of course we will be present on the day of the event to coordinate all suppliers, including the realization of our design concept.

Guest management

Not only on your wedding day we will be available for you and your guests. Already prior to the event your guests can contact us at any time, to clarify logistical matters of the arrival and overnight-stay, and to optimally adjust the plan regarding contributions and surprises. If you like, we will also take care of sending out your invitation letters and follow-ups oft he guest list for you. 

Follow-up support

Naturally, we will be there for you after your event and support you with further requests or questions. 

For further questions about our exclusive wedding planning and event design services, please contact us.

Braut Details
Hochzeitsplanung hamburg
Getting Ready Braut

Exclusive wedding planning from Hamburg.


Als Hochzeitsplanerin und Eventdesignerin kann ich viele meiner Leidenschaften vereinen und meine kreative Ader ausleben. Kein einziger Tag gleicht dem anderen, ich darf viele neue Orte bereisen und interessante Menschen kennenlernen. Vor allem aber ist es immer wieder ein unglaubliches Gefühl, Menschen glücklich zu machen.
In my blog I report on my work, give valuable tips on everything to do with weddings and show inspiration for your dream event.


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